Conditions of Enrolment

ABC College of English Conditions of Enrolment.

1. Enrolment.

1.1 Enrolment is subject to the following conditions and becomes a written contract between the student (or student’s parent or legal guardian) on acceptance of the student by ABC College of English.

1.2 ABC College of English reserves the right to change or cancel courses without prior notice.

1.3 As part of ABC College of English’s enrolment process, all students are required to complete the College’s Orientation Programme.

1.4 A student’s enrolment at ABC College of English terminates when the student has completed the last day of their course.

1.5 All students must be 18 years of age or older

2. Payment.

2.1 Fees must be paid in full, four weeks prior to the commencement of the course, for the term of enrolment.

2.2 Course fees are calculated in complete weeks and any part of a week is counted as a full week.

2.3 No compensation is given for public holidays when the college is closed.

2.4 Course fees are to be paid in advance and are needed to confirm an enrolment.

3. Cancellations, early withdrawals and refunds.

3.1 If a cancellation is received 2 weeks prior to the commencement of a course, all fees will be refunded except the enrolment fee and accommodation finding fee (if applicable).

3.2 If a cancellation is received less than 2 weeks prior to the commencement of a course, all fees, less 10%, will be refunded except the enrolment fee and accommodation finding fee (if applicable).

3.3 For courses up to and including four weeks and 6 days, if a student voluntarily withdraws from the course within the first two days of the course, 50% of the total fees paid will be refunded. Any cancellation requests made after the 2nd day are not eligible for a refund.

3.4 For courses of five weeks or more but less three months, if a student voluntarily withdraws from the course within the first five days of the course, 75% of the total fees paid will be refunded. Any cancellation requests made after the 5th day are not eligible for a refund.

3.5 For courses 3 months or longer, if a student voluntarily withdraws from the course within the first 10 working days of the course, fees are refunded in full, less a deduction for costs incurred by ABC College of English. The maximum deduction will not exceed 25% of the total fee paid. Any cancellation requests made after the 10th day of the course are not eligible for a refund. In the event of a dispute over the costs deducted, students can refer the matter to the International Education Appeal Authority.

3.6 In the unlikely event that ABC College of English has to cancel a course for reasons beyond their control, an alternative commencement date will be recommended.  If the suggested alternative is unacceptable, all unused fees will be refunded. 

3.7 ABC College of English does not refund any course fees if a student: a) Arrives late for the course without notifying the college in advance. b) Takes time off during the course without prior arrangement with the college. c) Leaves before the course is completed.

3.8 A student cannot exchange a pre-booked Full Time General English Course for other QRC courses. Change between pre-booked General English Courses and IELTS courses may be arranged with the prior approval of the Director of Studies and with at least a two-week notice period.

3.9 ABC College of English provides NZQA approved fee protection cover to all enrolled students in the event of closure, insolvency, voluntary withdrawal of a course by ABC College. The fees paid are placed in a trust account (Public Trust).

3.10 No funds are released to the college until after the appropriate refund period.

3.11 In the event that a student’s application for a student visa is not successful, all unused fees will be refunded, less the enrolment fee, accommodation placement fee and an exit administration fee of $250 (if applicable).

3.12 Refunds are made to the initial payment source (this may be the agent or student) and if funds are still with Public Trust there will be a form to complete for the refund to be confirmed.

4. Student Services.

4.1 ABC College of English provides an orientation programme and a student support service for all enrolled students. However, if a student has a concern that is not resolved by ABC College of English internal grievance procedure, then the student may contact English New Zealand, NZQA, or Student Complaints for assistance.

5. Accommodation.

5.1 There is no deduction from accommodation charges for absence of 7 days or less without prior agreement.

5.2 Any request to change or terminate an accommodation placement must be made 14 days prior to the proposed change. An administrative fee of $50 may be applied to process these changes.

5.3 Students must be prepared to leave their accommodation on completion of their course at ABC College of English.

5.4 Students are responsible for booking accommodation for the full duration of their studies. If a student insists on booking accommodation for a shorter duration than their studies, ABC College of English are not responsible for the outcome of this decision.

5.5 Students staying at the Shotover Lodge will need to agree to the lodge's terms and conditions.

5.6 Illegal, anti-social, dangerous or offensive behaviour whilst in accommodation placements can result in immediate expulsion form the school and residence without refund.

6. Attendance and School Rules.

  • 6.1 Students must comply with the School Rules as covered in the Orientation Programme and the laws of New Zealand and also the conditions of their visa.  Failure to comply will result in our Disciplinary Procedures in accordance with NZQA Code of Practice. This may result in expulsion from the College and forfeiture of school fees.
  • 6.2 The school reserves the right to take action against any student that breaks NZ Law or fails to follow the School Rules and Conditions of Enrolment. After a process of warnings and natural justice, the school reserves the right to expulsion.
  • 6.3 Students are expected to attend all lessons punctually at the notified class time and speak English at all times while on campus.
  • 6.4 Attendance must comply with the conditions of the student’s visa to stay in New Zealand.
  • 6.5 Students are required to notify ABC College of English if they are absent from classes for illness or any other reason. If students are absent for 3 days or more due to illness, they will be required to present a doctor's note in support of their absence.

6.6 Holiday or course extension requests must be made 14 days in advance and may incur an administrative fee of $50 to process the request. ABC College of English has the right to reject holiday or extension requests. All requests must be made in writing.

7. Immigration.

7.1 Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available through Immigration New Zealand and can be viewed on their website

8. Liability.

8.1 ABC College of English cannot be held responsible for any damages, loss, sickness or injury incurred within the school, the homestay, and other prepaid accommodation, on school activities or on optional adventure activities.

8.2 ABC College shall not be liable if the services contracted for cannot be provided for reasons beyond its control.

9. Medical and Travel Insurance.

9.1 International students must have appropriate and current insurance to cover your personal belongings, travel costs, medical care, repatriation, expatriation, funeral expenses and any unforeseen shortening of course due to illness of the student or a close family member.  We can arrange suitable insurance for the student if requested.

9.2 Insurance needs to cover students for their full duration in New Zealand. It is the student's responsibility to check their insurance covers them for the entire duration of their stay in New Zealand.

10. Eligibility for Health Services

10.1 Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to publicly funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health, and can be viewed on their website a

11. Accident Insurance.

11.1 The Accident Compensation Corporation provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents, and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website at

12. Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.

12.1 ABC College of English has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Copies of the Code are available on request from this institution or from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority NZQA

13. Information.

13.1 Non-Disclosure: Students must provide ABC College with full information about health, behaviour and learning issues.  Failure to do so may result in termination of the student’s contract to study.

13.2 By accepting the conditions of enrolment the student agrees to the free use of their image and written references in ABC College of English promotional material.

13.3  All supplied data is held securely by ABC College and is subject to our Privacy Policy that can be found on our website  Data will be treated confidential and will not be disclosed to external organisations except for our compliance with legal obligations.  Data may be made available to the NZ Ministry of Education, NZQA, English New Zealand and Immigration New Zealand.

14. Text Book Usage.

14.1 As the Borrower/Student, it is your duty to maintain and care for the assigned textbook. Please ensure that the textbook remains in good condition throughout the borrowing period and return it in the same state as received from ABC. This includes avoiding any damage or markings, such as pencil notations.

14.2 In the unfortunate event of a lost or damaged textbook during your possession, you are required to cover the cost of repair or replacement.

14.3  If you encounter any problems or have concerns about the textbooks, kindly inform the Lender/ABC promptly upon receiving the books or as soon as you become aware of any issues. Your cooperation ensures a smooth and transparent resolution process.

15. Complaints Procedure.

15.1 ABC College of English offers an orientation program and a dedicated student support service for all enrolled students. In the event of any concerns, our first priority is to address and resolve them internally to achieve a satisfactory outcome. If you feel that our internal resolution process has not adequately addressed your concern, external support options are available through English New Zealand, NZQA, or iStudent Complaints at

15.2 Study Complaints | Ngā amuamu tauira is the new, combined student contract dispute resolution scheme. Learners can contact the Study Complaints | Ngā amuamu tauira service about:

·      Financial matters

·      Contractual matters

·      Redress claims after an NZQA investigation.

Learners can contact the service on:

·      Free phone: 080000 66 75

·      Email:

·      Online:

To find out more about Study Complaints | Ngā amuamu tauira seetheir website.

“I believe that for studying English, here, ABC College of English is the best environment in New Zealand”
Taichi, Japan